About Us

Welcome to Alfa Scientific Company.

Alfa Scientific Company is one of the leading Importer, Exporter, Indentor, Distributor, Stockiest, and Supplier of Complete range of Q C Equipment for research Inst, Scientific Equipment, Laboratory Equipment, Quality Control requisites, Electro-Medical Equipment, Pharma, Textile, Agriculture, Balance & Scale, Test Kits, Reagent, Laboratory Chemicals and Glassware having its registered Office at :

33/3, Samar Center, Hatkhola Road.

Dhaka-1203, Bangladesh

Tel: +88-02-226638484, 02-226639956

E-mail: alfa.scientificbd@gmail.com, alfascientific.co@gmail.com

Web: www.alfascientficbd.com

Alfa Scientific Company is the leading Distributor and Agents of World renowned Manufactures and Brands such as:

  1. Kern, Germany,
  2. Shimadzu, Japan,
  3. Labtech, Korea,
  4. Duran Group, Germany,
  5. Simax, EU
  6. PG Instruments,
  7. JP Selectra,
  8. Hanna Instruments, Romania,
  9. WTW, Germany
  10. Rocker and many more.

Sister Concern:            1. Sarah Traders,
                                    2. Mim Corporation,
                                    3. Royal Pharmaceutical Ltd.

Head Office:           Samar Centre, 1st floor
                              33/3, Hatkhola Road, Dhaka-1203, Bangladesh
                              Tel: +88-02-226638484, 02-226639956
                              Email: alfa.scientificbd@gmail.com, alfascientific.co@gmail.com

                              Web: www.alfascientificbd.com

Type of Business: Importer, Exporter, Indenter, Stockiest and Distributors.
Field of Business: Scientific, Medical, Pharmaceuticals, Research Institute, Universities, Cement, Paper, Food Processing, Livestock,  Aquaculture, Textile sector etc.

Show Room : i. Samar Centre, Ground Floor, 33/3, Hatkhola Road, Dhaka-1203.
                              ii. Russel Centre, Upper Ground Floor, 27, Hatkhola Road, Dhaka-1203.

Service Centre: Russel Centre, 2nd Floor, 27, Hatkhola Road, Dhaka-1203.
Type of Organization: Proprietorship/ CEO.
Name of the Proprietor: K.M. AYUL AZAM KHAN MBA (CEO).
Year of Establishment: 1990
No of Employee: 16 nos (including service engineer).
No of Engineer: 04 nos
Bank Name :     

1. Pubali Bank Ltd. 1, R.K. Mission Road, Dhaka-1203.
2.  Islami Bank (Bangladesh) Ltd. Local Office, 75 Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000

Yearly Tum over (Aprox): US$ 500,000 Only

Membership: BSIDA (Bangladesh Scientific Instruments Dealers Association, FBCCI, KOTRA etc